LG240 : English for Professional Communication (UPDATED)

Ever wanted to learn about English but don't want to be a teacher?
Then this course is for you ( although there is a minor on Education; but more on that in another post).
So what is Bachelor of Applied Language Studies (Hons.) English for Professional Communication

According to the UiTM Academy of Language Studies' (APB) website ,the programme is developed to meet the demands of graduates with exceptional language and communication skills.

This is a 3-year degree program  which includes industrial training and a final year project during the last semester (6th semester). During the 2nd semester, you will need to choose your elective from three choices:- Business Management, Education and Tourism Management. You will stay with your chosen elective until your final year and it is based on first come first serve basis,the availability of the elective lecturer and also the demand for the elective (minimum of 15 students and maximum of 30 students for a class to be conducted). (But my class has 34 people IDK if they know how to count hmm).

The website also adds that graduates can find job prospects in these fields:-

  • Publishing – as writers, copy-writers, sub-editors, reporters
  • Management and Administration
  • International Relations
  • Diplomatic Services
  • Corporate Communication
  • Public Relations
  • Corporate Training
  • Instructional Design
  • Marketing
  • Radio and Television (Broadcasting)
  • Advertising
  • Journalism
  • Human Resource Management
  • Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation Services
(FYI, I'm still searching for the right career path. Do pray for me.)

This course is only available at the Shah Alam campus. 
Most people would think that this course is 100% exam-based but I would like to rebuff that. Half of your marks comes from individual and group assignments which includes essays, presentations, short drama performance,software development and video-making.

You are required to get a Band 4 score for your MUET test and there is no selection interview to qualify for this course unlike our sister course, LG 241 (Bachelor of Applied Language Studies (Hons.) Malay for Professional Communication) and APB's latest course, LG 243: Bachelor of Applied Language Studies (Hons.) English for Intercultural Communication.  Although there are students from TESL and linguistics backgrounds enrolled in this course, for those who are not from the aforementioned background should not fret. They may have the initial upper hand but I've encountered students from non-linguistics background who excelled in this course so far. 

So if you asked me whether this course is worth it or not, I would say it depends on what is your purpose on undertaking your studies. As some say, it's not the destination that is important, but the journey itself. Do send me an email if you would like to know more. 

So I end this post with an image of the programme's course outline.

LG 240 Course outline

Please check on the faculty's website to get to know more on this course. Until then, have a great day/night <3.


  1. Hey, i've been checking out your blog, and your posts have been insightful and fun to read. I just graduated from Uitm Dengkil (Law), and i'm planning to apply for this course. May i receive your email to ask some questions about the course? I mean, if you don't mind. Thanks!

    1. Ya Allah! I'm so sorry for the late reply. You can email me at dianavanillalala94@gmail.com. I hope you getto further your studies in your chosen course and do let me know if you have any question relating the course or uni life in general.

  2. Hi, sis just read your blog here. Would like to know the usual quota for epc intake. I changed my mind and would like to go for epc for second intake session next feb. My result just so so cukup makan so yeah takut kalau quota sebenarnya sikit je. Sebab if nak apply kena dropout dulu pengajian semasa

    1. Hi Vitalogy! Thanks for taking your time to read my blog. I apologize beforehand as I'm not sure about the intake quota of the course beecause it depends solely on the faculty. May I know what course are you currently undertaking?

  3. Hi there! I am your junior. Amira, Part 5 student. I really need your help. Please enlighten me with your internship experience. Hope you don't mind sharing your place of internship and other important details i might need to know. Thank you very much!

    1. Hi Amira! Sorry for the late reply. I'm actually in my 4th semester so I can't help you on that matter. I think it should be the other way around lol. But I think there are some of our EPC seniors on Linkedin if you want to get to know about their internship experience. I would love to have a chat with you to get to know about your 5th semester experience.Do let me know if you're free to chat. Cheers!

  4. Hai course ni available tak untuk diploma level?

    1. Hi Unknown! Ada! APB UiTM ada offer course baru iaitu LG120 :Diploma in English Professional Communication di kampus Alor Gajah, Melaka. I think it's offered in UPU and will start in 2019. Awak boleh download the brochure here : https://apb.uitm.edu.my/v2/index.php/download/brosur-program-akademi-pengajian-bahasa

    2. You can also look at her LG 120 interview experience :

  5. I got this course for degree and from FSPU to APB is quite far away from what i've learned when in diploma. I'm afraid that i can't survive. Goshhh

    Btw, is there any software needed as learning aid throughout this course ?

    1. Hi fellow FSPUian! Congrats on continuing your degree in APB. May I know what course did you took during diploma? You'll survive, take your time to learn at your own pace.

      This course requires verbal and written communication skills. The most common software used are Microsoft Word and Powerpoint. Later on during the 2nd until the 4th semester, you'll learn a subject called E-language, which you'll be using Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Director. You'll need to create a video resume during the 3rd semester so I suggest you download the Filmora app, which is an easy-to-use video app. Do check on Mendeley and owl purdue for APA paper-related concerns. This are just some of the softwares that I've used in this course. Hope this helps. Do let me know if you're still unclear or have any further questions.

    2. Thank you for the warm welcome, Dee !

      I took Dip. in Building back then in UiTM Perak. Hoping for continuing my deg. in Constr. Management. Since limited choices given when applying deg. for UiTM, the last slot i put EPC. There YOU GO. Here i am.

      Btw thank you so much for the explanation, Dee. More than i expected. So far its crystal clear.

    3. Ah, a fellow SI alumni..Look on the bright side, you'll get the best of both worlds as you have your building background as well as your upcoming linguistics knowledge that you'll obtain soon.

      Do keep in touch and all the best for your upcoming semester!

  6. What a small world ! So far so good here at SA. I wish i catch up with the others on this course. Finger crossed.

    Thank you Dee !

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi.. Is the course (diploma) offered in melaka campus only?

    1. Hi Ilya..Yes, the LG 120 course is currently offered at the Melaka campus only as it is a new course.

  9. Hi is the course for diploma epc in shah alam

    1. Hi Unknown! Diploma in EPC is only at Melaka Campus at the moment.

  10. Hi, I just done with UPU about 2 weeks ago,and my first choice for the course that I'm gonna be taking is English for Professional Communication. I love english but my english is not that superb that's why I chose this course so that I get to learn more about grammar,pronunciation,and anything that provided. There's not that much article about this course. So as you have experienced/knew a lot about it,can you post more about this course? I need to know what I'm gonna get through or learn soon if I got this course. I hope you can do that. Sorry if I troubled you and thank you if you can do so.

    1. Hi Unknown! Can you please email me personally so I can explain further? Thanks!

    2. How can I email you? What is your email adress?

    3. *address ...btw I've found your email address from your previous reply..thank you...I will certainly email you😊

  11. Hello, i was wondering if you know what are the options for third languages for this course?

  12. hi! may I know if the elective chosen can differ from one to another every sem? I am a sem 1 student in EPC btw :)

    1. hi, if u dont mind, i want to ask u something. how much A’s u got for your spm? and i read about the minima requirements and it says at least A for eng and B for bm and i think i can’t really believe it since mostly they will pick students tht got higher grades

  13. Hi! finally, I found a blog talking and explaining about this course, I'm taking my spm next year and I want to take tesl but the thing is I don't want to be a teacher so I'd like to take this course instead. Do you mind explaining more information about EPC?

  14. Hello there, for the diploma of this course, do I need to pass Mathematics in SPM to apply?


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