New Year, Old Resolutions?

Hello and Happy New Year, readers! It's almost the end of the second week of 2020 and things are starting to pick up on my side. As I'm going through my annual spring cleaning, I've found something that caught my attention;

 I've found my old notes with repetitive to-do-lists.Since it's the start of a new year and decade, people are compelled to have new resolutions to spark a new change.  It got me thinking, how about those who recycled their old resolutions for every year?

I found an interesting insight on an Instagram Story poll that I made during the first week of this year and here are the results:

It's almost a tie between those who felt that they'll be a newer version of themselves for this year and those who felt that they're still the same person that they're from last year. People have certain desires and goals in life, some desire change while the other prefer stability. I believe that both options resemble growth in their own respective ways and that is totally fine. Although I admire people who are constant in creating new resolutions every year, I also believe that it's okay to not achieve all our targets and bring forward the same goals for the upcoming year.

It does feel demotivating that we didn't achieve what we wanted in a year, but do remember, we are only human and we can only do so much at a certain period of time. Constant motivation is a great asset to have but do remember to take a breather once in a while to avoid burnout.

Hence, since I've just ended my final semester, I have some spare time to recycle one of my old resolutions, which is to write more. Hopefully, I'll manage to be consistent with this goal and if you do have some ideas or want me to write something that you think is relevant or interesting, do leave a comment below or email me personally at Until the next post, ciao!


Credit: Photo by John French on Unsplash, edited on Canva


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